At the Luxury Design & Craftsmanship Summit discussions will be held in many aspects of the transformation that craftsmanship brings to the Luxury Industry, and we are preparing to bring you the brightest influencers and decision makers to discuss the value of the industry through different panel sessions. And today we give you not one but two of Portugal’s most brilliant minds that will give their insights in the Summit this year!
Rita Sambado
Passionate about human potential, Rita Sambado spent her last years dedicated to giving more meaning to brands and people, aligning them with their essence. Graduated in Management, she began her professional career in a consulting firm, having subsequently joined the insurance business. Marketeer of the Year in 2016, she spent most of her career dedicated to giving Marketing and Brands greater depth.
In recent years, she has changed her executive career through a career dedicated to Personal Development. On her way, she founded with her husband the EUS School of Being, a project dedicated to helping people and companies to act from their greatest potential. She is also Co-author of Master Your Life, a personal transformation course, along with her husband Rodrigo Maia de Loureiro and author of Joy Planner and Dream Planner, Personal Development Tools. Along with that, Rita also wrote the book “Cooking with the Heart”, a project that she shared with her daughter in the photography part and still today in her heart.
Carlos Coelho
Carlos Coelho is one of the great Portuguese references in the field of brand building and management. For 33 years, he has conducted hundreds of projects of some of the most relevant brands in Portugal. He is the author of several studies on trends and theoretical models of trademarks. He is an activist on the causes and brands of Portugal and author of the book “Portugal Genial”.
He is a collaborator of numerous national and foreign publications, being recognized for his multiple innovative and challenging approaches on these matters. As a lecturer, he gave hundreds of lectures, at the invitation of several institutions: Governments Carlos is a member of several institutions and is founder and chairman of the Portugal Great Association, an entity that promotes the best of Portugal.
Keep with us to find out, who are the next speakers, the masters and techniques that builds unique design, and a lot more of what is going to happen in the 2nd edition of the Luxury Design & Craftsmanship summit. So if you want to keep up to date with everything follow us at Covet Group, our News Page and our social media on Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram and Pinterest!